03.10 - 11.10.2020
Magnhild Øen Nordahl arbeider med ulike kunstneriske formater og uttrykk, men har skulptur som utgangspunkt for sin praksis. Hvordan verktøy, materialer, rom og situasjon påvirker hverandre og arbeidet hennes, har gjort henne interessert i hvordan
fenomener vi opplever gjennom kroppens sanseapparat blir oversatt til abstrakte konsepter, og hvordan vi bruker disse forståelsesmodellene til å organisere og systematisere en kaotisk verden. På Tag team Studio vil Nordahl vise en serie nye interaktive skulpturer som eksisterer både i utstillingsrommet og på ulike youtubekanaler som eksempelobjekter i instruksjonsvideoer for 3Dmodellering.
Working across different media Magnhild Øen Nordahl’s practice has sculpture as a point of departure. The way that tools, materials and somethings situatedness affect each other and her work has made her interested in how phenomena that we experience are being translated into abstract concepts, and how we use these concepts as modes of understanding, organising and shaping a chaotic world. At Tag Team Studio Nordahl will present a series of new interactive sculptures that exist both in the exhibition space and online in different Youtube channels where they appear as example objects in instruction videos for 3D modelling.Magnhild Øen Nordahl holds an BFA from Kunst og Designhøgskolen I Bergen, an MFA from The Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm and is currently enrolled in the PHD program for artistic research at The Faculty of Art, Music and Design at the University in Bergen. She has exhibited her work nationally and internationally in venues such as Palais de Tokyo, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity and the Astrup Fearnley Museum. In 2018 she co-founded Aldea in Bergen.